Also called an assumed name or fictitious name, a DBA is a tool businesses use to operate under a name that is not their legal name. For example, my law firm's name is "R. W. Bobholz Law, PLLC" but …
How Much Should I Pay For An EIN?
How much should I pay for an EIN? My opinion is $0. Hopefully that means something because I'm a lawyer. I'm a business lawyer, and I obtain EINs for businesses all the time. It takes me approximately …
Get a Free EIN
Get a free EIN! Seriously, you shouldn't be paying for an EIN. It's a free service online through the IRS. The process isn't all that hard either. What follows is the steps you need for your …
What is a PLLC?
What is a PLLC? This question comes up every now and then. What is a PLLC? We created PLLCs, or professional limited liability companies, as a slight change from regular LLCs for certain …
What is a Partnership?
What is a partnership? This means different things in different situations. In this context, we're discussing business partnerships from a legal and tax perspective. What is a Partnership? A …
Accidental Partnerships
You should avoid Accidental partnerships whenever possible. Why? Because they're bad. That's why. What are Accidental Partnerships? First, we need to show what accidental partnerships are. Can't …