I'm often asked if it's better to form a new LLC or just use a DBA under an existing LLC. In this article, we'll discuss a little bit about what each is and the pros and cons of each avenue. …
Dissolving your LLC Guide
There are a lot of situations where dissolving your LLC might be needed. You could be shutting down your business, changing hands, or simply changing entity types. Whatever your reason, there are a …
What Are The Different Business Entity Types?
When you start a business, you need to consider the business entity type you're going to operate as. If you don't choose a type, one will be chosen for you. The default options area almost always the …
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What Do I Do If My Articles Get Rejected?
What do you do if your articles get rejected by the NC Secretary of State? If you've taken the time to search a name, draft the articles, and file them, you certainly don't want this roadblock. …
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What is a Registered Agent?
A registered agent is the party responsible for accepting service on behalf of a company. If you have a registered entity in NC, you have to designate one for your company. Primarily, we're talking …
What is Limited Liability?
Limited liability is a legal concept. It can mean different things depending on the context. However, generally, we use limited liability when we're talking about making your personal assets …