If you've been laid off, you might be considering becoming a consultant full time or while you look for your next employment. For the purposes of this article, we're assuming you will be a solo …
What to Look For in a Severance Agreement
If you were recently laid off or are getting laid off soon, you're probably interested to know what's in the severance agreement. This article explores what to expect when reviewing your own …
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What is a Personal Guarantee?
A personal guarantee is when a person promises to cover the debts of another. For example, you can personally guarantee your business's lease. In that example, you're promising to pay the rent if the …
What is a Franchise?
What is a Franchise? That's a question that comes up a lot in my work. We have both a legal analysis and a common definition for franchises. What is a Franchise, Commonly? Broadly speaking, …
Dissolving your LLC Guide
There are a lot of situations where dissolving your LLC might be needed. You could be shutting down your business, changing hands, or simply changing entity types. Whatever your reason, there are a …
Myths About the LLC
I encounter a lot of myths about the LLC in my line of work. Obviously, right? We live in an era where anyone can write a blog on the internet, and as long as it looks legitimate, people will believe …