As a business owner, getting paid timely shouldn't be where you spend your time and energy. Unfortunately, customers aren't always the most prompt. Obviously, if you take money up front, none of this …
Tour of NC’s Secretary of State Website
Today, I'm taking you on a tour of the NC's Secretary of State website, This is one of the most useful government sites for small business owners and nonprofits in North Carolina. …
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What is Limited Liability?
Limited liability is a legal concept. It can mean different things depending on the context. However, generally, we use limited liability when we're talking about making your personal assets …
What is a Service Contract
What is a Service Contract? By Any Other Name First, for the most part, it does not matter what a contract is named. This might be a minor thing. However, it's important to note your service …
How Do I Get A Business License?
If you've got your business ready to start going, you need a business license, right? Maybe not. North Carolina's business license setup is weird, even to me. I actually avoid filing for these for the …
What is a Nonprofit?
A nonprofit corporation is a separate legal entity in North Carolina. You can set them up for a wide variety of purposes. Most commonly, people think of charitable organizations as nonprofits. …