There are a lot of zero cost marketing strategies out there. For small business owners, these can be very attractive. However, with any marketing strategy, only pick those that work with your overall …
Networking Tips for the Introvert
Networking as an introvert can be a challenging endeavor. However, you can do it. I'm an introvert, and I grew my business primarily with networking. At my peak, I was attending 7-10 networking events …
The Introvert Networking Game
I invented The Introvert Networking Game to (1) grow your business and (2) survive networking events. I developed this strategy over time while I was attending at least 10 events a week. Networking …
The Worst Networking Advice I’ve Received
If you've ever been networking, you've probably encountered the well-meaning individuals who want to give you networking advice. If you look young, you get a lot of this. I also understand that if …
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Business Networking from your Home
If business networking is important for your business, the time of covid has been hard on you. However, that doesn't mean all networking had to stop. It simply means your business networking has to …
Permission to Email
Do you have permission to email someone or add them to your email list? It's an important question for business owners, especially ones that rely on email marketing or networking for their business. …