I'm often asked if it's better to form a new LLC or just use a DBA under an existing LLC. In this article, we'll discuss a little bit about what each is and the pros and cons of each avenue. …
Franchise versus License Agreement
An area I deal with a lot is the franchise versus license agreement. Though they share some similarities, they are very different legal devices. What is a Franchise? A franchise is a legal …
Pronouns When Talking About Businesses
Pronouns are a handy way to refer to someone or something without having the name it each and every time. For example, instead of saying this article is quite informative. I can say "it is …
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Networking Etiquette: Handshakes
Handshakes are a part of business networking. As much as I want to fight that, they are. Although they're going to stick around forever, there's at least a few rules we can follow to make them better …
Networking Etiquette: Keeping the Conversation Light
When you're out networking, keeping the conversation light is important when you're first meeting people. You know how there are forbidden first date topics? First impressions in business networking …
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What the Hell is an S-Corp?
Seriously, what the hell is an S-Corp? I get asked this all the time. This is one of those topics that the internet is terrible for. There's so much misconception about what an S-Corp is and when it's …