If you've been laid off, you might be considering becoming a consultant full time or while you look for your next employment. For the purposes of this article, we're assuming you will be a solo …
What to Look For in a Severance Agreement
If you were recently laid off or are getting laid off soon, you're probably interested to know what's in the severance agreement. This article explores what to expect when reviewing your own …
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Who Is On Your Team?
Besides employees and business partners, those other professionals on your team can make a huge difference in your business. Every business is different, so this article is limited to those …
What is a Personal Guarantee?
A personal guarantee is when a person promises to cover the debts of another. For example, you can personally guarantee your business's lease. In that example, you're promising to pay the rent if the …
Get That Money Upfront
Getting your money upfront when you're running a business is almost always the best strategy. We're going to explore the many reasons why. Cover COGS Firstly, if you get paid up front, you can …
Why Are Mutual Introductions So Important?
Mutual introductions are worth their weight in gold! In this article, I'm going to explain why. What is a Mutual Introduction? A mutual introduction is the process of connecting two people in …
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