Networking, in a nutshell, is the process of meeting people to improve your career in some way. It doesn't have to be all business cards and small talk. Networking can happen anywhere in a variety of …
Zero Cost Marketing Strategies
There are a lot of zero cost marketing strategies out there. For small business owners, these can be very attractive. However, with any marketing strategy, only pick those that work with your overall …
What is a Franchise?
What is a Franchise? That's a question that comes up a lot in my work. We have both a legal analysis and a common definition for franchises. What is a Franchise, Commonly? Broadly speaking, …
Dissolving your LLC Guide
There are a lot of situations where dissolving your LLC might be needed. You could be shutting down your business, changing hands, or simply changing entity types. Whatever your reason, there are a …
Myths About the LLC
I encounter a lot of myths about the LLC in my line of work. Obviously, right? We live in an era where anyone can write a blog on the internet, and as long as it looks legitimate, people will believe …
What is a Landing Page?
A landing page is a specific name given to certain pages on your website. These types of pages are unique because of how they're used, not what they do. Let's jump in and take a look at how these …